Our Macapá Story

Macapá is a large city located near the mouth of the Amazon River and serves as the economic hub of the northern state of Amapa. Due to location, Macapá has a few roads to other parts of Brazil and travel to and from the city is mainly by air and sea. GSF first collaborated with Sao Camilo Hospital in 2016, finding an unmet need for cleft care. Sao Camilo Hospital is a private hospital that serves Macapá and the Amapa State.

Most Recent Trip

The last mission trip to Macapa was in the fall of 2018.


The team screened 21 patients at the beginning of the trip and was able to perform cleft repair surgeries for 18 patients, with a total of 27 procedures performed.

The GSF Team

In addition to local volunteers, the GSF team included 17 medical personnel (surgeons, nurses, pediatricians, anesthesiologists).

Past Missions